Saturday, June 20, 2020

Taking one's own Life...

I am not sure what was going in his life or in his mind at that time. He may have taken that step due to some deep anguish.

However, I hope & pray that such thoughts of taking one's own life never ever crosses anyone's mind. 

It may seem to be the most appropriate step at that moment, i.e. to end everything by ending your own life; but it definitely has its own repercussions for your loved ones. It may be easy to leave someone but very difficult for the ones who are left behind. You may achieve peace by reaching your end, but you steal the peace of many other souls.

Please always think about your loved ones before taking such harsh steps on yourself. Please remember you're not alone fighting such battles; there are many more who are trying to survive and surviving as well.

 “Never, never, never give up.” Winston Churchill

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